Join our Professional Smile Team!
Patients love the instant whitening results when you clean and polish their teeth with POPWHITE's Prophy Paste. Many hygienists are letting their patients know how to maintain the whitening benefit at home.
We have received numerous requests to develop a program in which hygienists can earn passive income when they tell their patients about POPWHITE's at-home whitening products: Toothpaste and Oral Rinse.
How the Smile Team Works
We designed a super simple program that takes no extra time to execute.
1.) As you clean and polish your patient's teeth with POPWHITE's Prophy Paste, let them know you are providing an added whitening benefit using our Purple color-correcting technology. Explain the benefits (no sensitivity issues) and how the technology works. We will provide you with the details, which you can explain in less than a minute!
2.) When the cleaning is finished, show them their beautiful smile from the instant whitening results.
3.) When the appointment is finished, hand them a card with information on POPWHITE that includes your unique discount code. Your patients can save 20% on all orders from our website - for life! We will provide you with the card
4.) Enjoy the rewards! You will earn 20% of the discounted purchase price of $16 to $28 on all orders in the first year and then 10% every year after. You earn this on every purchase your patients make using your code - for life!
Unlike other programs like this, you do not need to spend your free time marketing POPWHITE on Facebook or other social channels. All the information you share is done in the office.

How to Join the Team
To receive all the details, email Brittany at brittany@popwhiteusa.com or by clicking the button below. Please include the name of your dental practice and your role.
She is also available for a call if you prefer to discuss the program.